I finally made it home to Glengarry this week and spent time on the road getting CD’s out to various places for your convenience.   I am thrilled with the feedback I’ve been getting so I hope you’ll enjoy it in your own homes over the holidays.  A sincere thank you to all of these places for agreeing to carry this CD in support of a local artist.  It is so much appreciated.


Life’s Little Treasures,  Cornwall

Auld Kirktown, Lancaster

Town and Country,  Alexandria

Fassifern General Store

Bobby Lalonde Music, Vankleek Hill

Crooks and Crannies, Hawkesbury

St.Isadore Florist, St. Isadore

Celtic Treasures, Maxville

Dunvegan Post Office

As always, I thank you for your interest and support.

For my Fellow Kingstonians…  You can find “Memories of Christmas” at Renaissance Music and Sunharvest Greenhouses in Glenburnie.